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Ian set up Network Distribution in November 1992 to address what was a rapidly growing requirement for data networks to accomodate PC computer systems within businesses throughout Scotland. Over the time he has driven the company to stay abreast of the latest developments in data cabling, investing heavily in specialist training, tools and test equipment; from the early days of thick and thin Ethernet and IBM cabling systems to the adoption of fibre, wireless and high speed copper networks of today's bandwidth hungry networks.
Network Distribution is very much a family affair with even the office, workshop and stores located in converted farm buildings across the steading from Ian's home. The close proximity can be a good thing at times - although he can often be found at his desk at all hours of the day, and night.
As befits the hands-on type, if Ian isn't in the business premises tinkering with networks, he can be found working on his vintage rally car or tearing up the countryside trying to relive his youth in yet another off-road stage.